This is the work I made about a year and a half after graduating college with my BFA. After graduating in winter 2008, I had an involuntary hiatus from clay due to having no place to fire new work when I moved back to my home town. After a year of unemployment, selling all sorts of non-ceramic work I was making via Etsy (but not enough to live on), I started working at Amazon in Lexington KY, and moved back to my college town of Richmond after ending a nine year relationship. It was the first time I lived truly on my own, alone, in my own place, and I had a lot to think about. I was generously allowed to continue using the university studios (thanks, Joe!) and in between making functional pottery, I started making sculpture again. Like my undergrad work, it was all very “personal narrative”.
A few dear, potter friends of mine got together and put an exhibition of our work together. We figured “Screw applying to shows. We’ll create our own!” It was titled Adaptation, and was integrated in with historical, preserved furnishings in the rooms of the Irvington House Museum in Richmond KY. These works were my contribution to that show.